Masterbuilt Gravity 560 Digital Charcoal Grill and Smoker

Masterbuilt has revolutionised charcoal cooking with the Series 560 Digital Charcoal Grill and Smoker and it is unlike any you have seen before. There has never been a charcoal grill that is more versatile and cooks quicker. Simply set the temperature on your digital control panel, open the hopper, light the fire and amazingly, in only 7 minutes, you are ready to sear, grill, roast, bake or smoke at over 110 °C and in just 13 minutes, at up to 370 °C, but you can set it as low as 60 °C  to tailor the temperature to your cooking preference. If ignition fails and the 560 does not fully light, it will beep and flash an error. Simply reset the temperature and try again. The hopper serves as its own chimney starter. Simply place a fire starter at the bottom of the charcoal hopper and light it.

Offering you the connectivity and functionality of the top pellet grills, the 560 controls its own pit temperature, but with regular lump charcoal or briquettes, which are much easier to obtain. If it is real wood flavour you want, simply add 1 or 2 chunks of wood to the ash bin at the bottom of the hopper, and then sporadically during the cooking process, to mix in with the charcoal.

The DigitalFantm and digital temperature control accurately maintain the cooking temperature for up to 12 hours, and the tall charcoal in the GravityFedtm hopper ensures you have constant fuel to the fire. A brightly lit dedicated button for each of the functions to control grill temperature, probe temperature, time and smartphone pairing, with a handy app for remote control using WiFi or Bluetooth. An accurate analogue thermometer in the lid and digital readings from the heat probes, further help you monitor the exact temperature of the fire and your food.


Load the feeder with charcoal and light · Set the desired temperature · Let the fan do the work




Reaches 225°F in 7 minutes or 700°F in 13 minutes

With the push of a button, the digitally controlled fan moves air flow from the hopper to the cooking chamber and maintains the desired cooking temperature.

Another unique feature of the 560 is the fact that the charcoal hopper and heat output are not in the same chamber as your food, they are on the side of the cooking area, so the heat and flavouring-smoke are forced into the main chamber for optimum and clean cooking. With the 560, the efficient combustion ensures that there is almost no ash or dust to fall to the bottom. The grease collection pan and what little ash there is can be cleaned out through a side door at the bottom. There is no need to remove the charcoal or to kill the fire after cooking. Two baffle plates shut off the oxygen to suffocate the fire and the 560 is ready for your next cooking experience.

The attractive 560 is built to handle all types of outdoor cooking for different time durations and at different temperatures. The flat-top griddle and grill grates are perfect for searing, grilling, baking and roasting and by flopping them over, you are ready to smoke a gourmet dinner.

The 560 is large enough to cook a scrumptious meal for an entire family. With a total cooking area of 3613 cm2, there is enough space for 4 racks of ribs, or about 8 chickens, or 21 burgers at a time. If it’s sausages you’re grilling, it can hold up to three dozen.